IIT- JEE Entrance Exam-2013

Union human resource development minister Kapil Sibal has suggested that there should be “one nation, one test” system for all the fields in a phased manner.

Kapil Sibal is setting up another panel which will be headed by the Prime Minister's scientific advisory council chairman Dr C N R Rao, with representatives of IITs and IIT Council as its members to re-examine the proposal in the wake of the IITs succeeding in an add-on test besides the single test for all engineering colleges.

Kapil Sibal has recommended that a single entrance should be held for the Indian Institute of Management (IIMs).  

Human Resource development minister Kapil Sibal recently has been in the news for his controversial decision to conduct a common entrance exam for the Indian Institute of Technology (IITs).
Posted by Current News — Monday, 6 August 2012

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